Joining ALL Net

Apart from your participation in the project, we would like to invite you to join the broad range of membership which support our activities.


◆ Everyone who is looking for: What is social contribution? What can be done in overseas fields? 

◆ Everyone who is currently busy and can't participate directly, but who is interested in contribution overseas  and wants to prepare for future NPO activities,

◆ Companies, NPOs, and academic institutions which are intending to contribute overseas through their business and work,

◆ Students who are interested in contributing overseas,

◆ International students who consider to contribute to their home countries' development through NPO activities,


Would you like to move forward together with us to improve the lives of people around the world?

♣Application Requirements

ALL Net is looking for members who agree to the following.

Membership qualification

◆ Individuals and organizations who share a sense of mission to contribute to improving the lives of people in developing countries
◆ Anyone who is interested in overseas cooperation can become a member

Membership category

The following 6 types.
◆ Personal regular member
◆ Individual student members
◆ Individual supporting members
◆ Corporate regular member
◆ Corporate support members
◆ Overseas corporate and individual supporting members

Benefits for members

◆ Respective information can be obtained through ALL Net activities.

◆ Corporate members can participate in local projects in the form of equipment provision, construction, operation, etc., depending on their position.


◆ The type and amount of membership fees (shown in the table below) may be determined or changed at the general meeting. 

◆ Please note that membership fees and other contributions already paid or given by members will not be refunded.


◆ Members can withdraw on request.

◆ Members are considered withdrawn in the following cases.

       -If the membership fee is delinquent for more than one year

       -When death or disappearance is received

       -When a member organization is dissolved (excluding dissolution due to management integration)

◆ Members may be excluded by the board in the following cases, for example.

       -In case of violation of laws or the Articles of Incorporation

       -In case of defamation of this association or acts contrary to the purpose of this association

Membership fee

◆ The type and amount of membership fees (shown in the table below) may be determined or changed  at the general      meeting.

◆ Please note that membership fees and other contributions already paid or given by members will not be refunded.

Membership category

Membership fee Definition

Personal regular member


Individual members  who sympathize  with the purpose of this association and are willing to actively engage in the activities of the association.

Individual student members

3,000yen / year

1,000yen / year for International students

Same as above, student

Individual supporting members

5,000yen / year

Individuals who sympathize with the purpose of this association and who have joined to support the activities of the association.

Corporate regular members 30,000yen / year

Organizations  that have agreed to the purpose of this association and are willing to be involved actively in the projects of the association.

Corporate support members

10,000yen / year

Organization that have agreed with support the activities of this association

Overseas corporate  and individual supporting members

US$100/ year

Overseas organizations or individuals who sympathize with the purpose of this association and  support the projects of the association.

♣How to apply for membership

Personal member

◆ Please apply by one of the following methods

1) From the membership form on this page

Send name, address, phone number, e-mail address, occupation, age, intention to join

2) Send e-mail to the secretariat:

Send name, address, phone number, e-mail address, occupation, age, intention to join

3) Fill in the membership registration form (PDF) and send it to the secretariat by mail or fax.

Please download and use the member registration form.

If you cannot download, please contact the secretariat.


Corporate  member

◆ Fill in the member registration form and mail or fax to the secretariat
Please download and use the member registration form.
If you cannot download, please contact the secretariat.

♣Membership application form for individual members

メモ: * は入力必須項目です

Note: * is a required field

♣please confirm

Upon admission, it is deemed that you have agreed to comply with the Articles of Incorporation of this association or the rules of our association.